EMAC 2013

For Conference Registration and Payment, please contact

Tel: +351 21 771 2635

For Accommodation, Optional Social Programs and Tours, please contact:

For issues relating to your submission, please contact:

Nina Payen
Email: payen@eiasm.be
Tel: +32 (0) 2 226 66 61
Fax: +32 (0) 2 512 1929

For ALL other issues
Email: info@emac2012.org

Website: www.emac2012.org

© EMAC 2013 
Doctoral Colloquium

EMAC 2012 Doctoral Colloquium
May 20 - 22, 2012

The European Institute for Advanced Studies in Management (EIASM) and the European Marketing Academy (EMAC) in collaboration with ISCTE-IUL Business School, are organising the 25th Colloquium for doctoral students in marketing. The colloquium will be held in Lisbon, Portugal from Sunday, May 20 until Tuesday, May 22, 2012, immediately prior to the EMAC Conference 2012.The colloquium provides outstanding doctoral students in marketing who want to pursue a career in academics with an opportunity to discuss their dissertation research with other doctoral students and leading academics in the field of marketing. All topics and methodological approaches within the broad field of marketing will be considered.

The colloquium will mostly proceed in parallel tracks based on the topical and/or methodological angle of participants' work as well as on the stage of the dissertation process. Students will discuss their work with their fellow students and with three track faculty, who are renowned experts in the field.

Doctoral students in different stages of their dissertation process can apply for participation in the doctoral colloquium.

More Information: Click HERE







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