EMAC 2013

For Conference Registration and Payment, please contact

Tel: +351 21 771 2635

For Accommodation, Optional Social Programs and Tours, please contact:

For issues relating to your submission, please contact:

Nina Payen
Email: payen@eiasm.be
Tel: +32 (0) 2 226 66 61
Fax: +32 (0) 2 512 1929

For ALL other issues
Email: info@emac2012.org

Website: www.emac2012.org

© EMAC 2013 
Guidelines for authors


Please read carefully and adhere strictly to the GUIDELINES before uploading your submission!

  • Authors may submit more than one paper, but only one can be accepted with you as first author.
  • Papers containing author’s information will be deleted from the system.
  • All papers are limited to seven (7) pages everything included: cover/title page, references and appendix, tables and figures)
  • Any paper exceeding the specified limit will not be included in the review process.

Papers should be:

  • Single spaced throughout
  • Times New Roman 12-point font (except for title which should be Times New Roman 14-point font)
  • A4 size page formatting
  • 2.5cm margins on all sides

Content order for the paper:
All papers are limited to seven (7) pages everything included: cover/title page, references and appendix, tables and figures)


  • Title (1 page) (SHOULD NOT include the author (s) name (s) on the title page or any other part of the paper. Remove any author or institutional identifying information from the properties file on your computer. The title should be followed by an abstract of 100 words or ten lines maximum summarizing the main aim (s) findings and conclusions of your research.
    The next two lines should contain the keywords followed by the track your paper is intended for.
  • Body of the paper including tables, figures, footnotes and technical details if required such as mathematical proof or development
    Body of the paper should start on page 2
  • References.


Title page
(1 page)
Should include:

(centred, bold and times new roman 14-point font)

(left justified, bold and times new roman 12-point font maximum 100 words or ten lines)
Compliance to the line limit is required to facilitate standardisation of the publication of the abstract proceedings book. The text should be justified. At the start of each new paragraph or section you should indent the first line.

Keywords: (left justified, regular, italic and times new roman 12-point font)

Track: (left justified, regular, italic and times new roman 12-point font)

Main body of the paper

Headings and sub-headings

1. Major headings
Should be numbered sequentially, left justified and bolded. The first letter of each major word should be capitalised and all of the other words should be in lower case. Two single space lines should precede and one single space should follow a major heading.

1.1 Sub-headings
Should be numbered according to the main heading, left justified, regular and in italics. One space line should precede and follow a sub-heading. Only the first letter of the first word should be capitalised.

1.1.1 Sub sub-heading
You should avoid the use of sub sub-headings unless absolutely necessary. If you use sub sub-headings they should be numbered according to the main heading, left indented, regular and in italics. One space line should precede and follow a sub sub-heading. Only the first letter of the first word should be capitalised.


References (journal article and book references given below as examples) for full referencing guidelines visit the website of the IJRM: http://www.elsevier.com/wps/find/journaldescription.cws_home/505550/authorinstructions

Paivio, A., Jansen, B., & Becker, L.J. (1975). Comparisons through the mind’s eye. Cognition, 37 (2), 635-647.

Strunk, W., Jnr & White, E.B. (1979). The elements of style (3rd ed.) New York: Macmillan.





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