EMAC 2013

For Conference Registration and Payment, please contact

Tel: +351 21 771 2635

For Accommodation, Optional Social Programs and Tours, please contact:

For issues relating to your submission, please contact:

Nina Payen
Email: payen@eiasm.be
Tel: +32 (0) 2 226 66 61
Fax: +32 (0) 2 512 1929

For ALL other issues
Email: info@emac2012.org

Website: www.emac2012.org

© EMAC 2013 
Special Interest Group

Chair: Gabriele TROILO, Bocconi University
Co-Chair: Paulo RITA, ISCTE-IUL Business School, Lisbon

The objective of the Special Interest Group Track is to provide some time and space for groups of scholars to discuss their diverse research interests which may not fit into the established Tracks list.

Proposals for this Track should cover a complete session (3-5 papers), and

  • describe the topic,
  • emphasise its importance to Marketing knowledge development, and
  • identify the researchers who will participate in the session.
  • provide abstracts of the papers

The proposal should provide abstracts of the papers to be presented in the session and the authors but papers should NOT be submitted.


The abstract should provide a clear idea of the paper, in terms of objectives, methods and results. The length of the abstract should be maximum 1 page (300 words).

Click HERE for an example

Evaluation of proposals will be based on the session’s relevance to the current marketing debate as outlined in the conference theme, the quality of the proposal, and the level of interest the session is likely to raise at the Conference.

Proposals should be submitted online by selecting the Special Interest Groups track in the Tracks list.

Deadline for proposal for the SIG track: December 1, 2011





EMAC Conference
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